Saturday, January 08, 2011

London Short Film Festival

This one always creeps up on me, coming as it does so early in the new year. But, there is a plethora of interesting screenings in store, among them Queer Brit, Salon des Refusés, and Straight 8.

Among the live events are two that pique my interest. Firstly, the unwieldily titled Club des Femmes and Spinster Take New Berlin, which pairs a feature film with some live performance.

Also in the music + film arena is
Whirlygig Cinema & The Cabinet of Living Cinema Present: Making Tracks, in which films are presented with live scores. I have participated in Whirlygig events in the past, but not, sadly, this time. Should be exciting, as the filmmakers will not have heard the scores until they are performed on the night.

London Short Film Festival runs 7-16 January in London.

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